Hi, I’m Matthew Lemburg. I’m a producer, engineer, and performer. I’ve been recording music and playing in different kinds of bands continuously for the last thirty-five years. Most importantly, I’ve got a pretty good sense of humor, I have a lot of patience, I’m a nice guy and I like to go the extra mile to get the best sound in my ability for you and yours.

I work out of a studio called MajorSeven in Amarillo, TX and let me brag on it for a minute: it was built by a church called MORE (where I serve as their lead musician) in 2005 and was designed by the Russ Berger Design Group (RBDG). They are an award-winning acoustical design and construction firm that has built studios for Whitney Houston, NFL Films and National Public Radio among many others.

Through a long course of events my wife and I moved from California to Texas in 2008 to be close to the action.

I took over the operation of the studio in 2013, moving all of my gear out of the dining room and into this very legit space! We now feature a new Trident analog mixer, iZ RADAR A/D and D/A conversion, Mogami wiring, Pro Tools editing and mixing, Ableton sequencing and all kinds of plug-ins.

COMING SOON! 2 inch / 16 track tape recording


R e c o r d i n g  a n d  M i x i n g

Trident Model 68 - 24 channel analog mixer
iZ RADAR A/D and D/A converters
ProTools 11
Scully 280 1/4” 2-track
Ableton Live
Mogami wiring throughout

O u t b o a r d  G e a r

Universal Audio 4-710 preamp
Ampex PR-10 preamp
Universal Audio 2-1176 compressor
Drawmer DL241 compressors
t.c. electronics effects
Klark-Teknik stereo EQ
Aphex 207 mic preamp
ART Dual MP mic preamp
PreSonus Firestudio

M o n i t o r s

Focal Alpha 80’s
Yamaha HS5’s
JBL 3 Series Sub

M i c r o p h o n e s
AKG 3000B
AKG D112
Audio Technica AT4035's
Audio Technica MB 4000C's
Audio Technica PRO 37's
ElectroVoice 667A
Golden Age R-1’s (modified)
Groove Tube MD2 (large diaphragm) stereo pair
Neumann dynamic mics
Royer 101 ribbon
Cascade ribbon
Sennheiser 609ce
Shure Beta 52
Shure SM57's and 58's
Shure 55S

G u i t a r s 

1959 Guild M65 hollow-body electric
G&L Legacy Strat
Danelectro Baritone electric
Fender Jazz Bass
1940's Martin ukulele
Custom-built D-28 style acoustic
High-strung (Nashville) acoustic

K e y s 

Rhodes 88
Hammond M3 with Leslie (147) 
Roland A90 weighted keyboard
Roland JX-3P
Hohner melodica
Wurlitzer acoustic console piano

A m p l i f i e r s 

Fender Twin (1968)
Fender Bassman
Fender Blues Jr.
Vox AC15
Marshall DLS 201
Ampeg bass head and Trace Elliot 4x10 bass cab

O t h e r  S t u f f

DW Drums (early 90’s)
WFL Drums (early 1950’s)
Lots of cymbals to choose from
ADC patch bays
A variety of guitar pedals
Percussion of all kinds
Kalimbas, sequencers, drum machines and more!


Here is a short list featuring music recorded, mixed and, in some cases, mastered within the last year.

Ben Cargo

Kathryn Roach

Chase Roach

Rhett Uhland & the Morning Shakes


Booking rates and times have to be settled at least 3 days ahead of time,
I will gladly refund you for partial hours or unused time.

Recording, editing, mixing, mastering - $50 per hour - one hour minimum

Book 4 hours for $ 180 (10% discount)

Book 6 hours for $ 255 (15% discount)

Book 8 hours for $ 320 (20% discount)

I’m also open to barters and trades